How do you decide when to use a split system or ducted system for air conditioning in your home? Sometimes it depends on the space that you have – or don’t have – and sometimes it depends on what you want. If you are building a new home, you can have whatever you want, but if you purchase a home that already has ducts, then it makes sense to use them.

Here are a few hints on what the choices are so you can decide what to do:

Split Systems:

  • Split Systems do not use ducts. If you have a small apartment you might not have space to add ducts or it might be too expensive to do so.
  • Whilst the dust factor is minimal in any air conditioning system, a ductless system will decrease the amount of dust blown into your home.
  • A split system usually has separate air controllers in each of the rooms it is servicing thereby allowing those rooms to be controlled separately. This provides multiple cooling (or heating) options for areas such as setting a cooler living room temperature where you are entertaining a lot of people and warmer in a bedroom where there is a child in bed sleeping.

Ducted Systems:

  • The house might already have ducts so it would be costly to remove them.
  • Maintenance costs are less expensive to service since there are fewer components while split systems have more air handling units to service.
  • Ducted systems are better at controlling moisture or humidity.
  • You can better air circulation with ducted systems than with individually controlled rooms that might become stagnant with no air movement.
  • Aesthetically a ducted system is better because it is hidden behind walls.

Originally posted 2016-05-21 06:46:55.